Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What if I Simply Don’t Have the Money to Pay my Taxes Right Now?

Millions of Americans are faced with that dilemma this time of year as April 17th approaches.  If you cannot pay the full amount of taxes you owe, you should still file your return by the deadline and pay as much as you can to avoid penalties and interest.  You may also call the IRS and review your payment options or have a professional advise you.

The great news is that there may be some relief.  You could file a six-month extension in the filing of your tax return.  Penalties and interest still apply to the unpaid taxes.  You could also file on April the 15th (or before) and work out a reasonable installment agreement with Uncle Sam at that time.

Whatever you may be going through, Las Vegas tax accountant Michael Mathews understands.  He has helped many Las Vegas area residents through similar challenges throughout the years.  Michael is someone you can trust for tax preparation, retirement, or business start-ups.  Make an appointment at his office located at 2620 Regatta Dr. Suite 102 by calling (702) 240-5237.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Don’t Panic.

Words to live by in many situations…especially as the tax deadline is rapidly approaching.  Our old friends at The Internal Revenue Service remind taxpayers that quick and easy solutions are available if they can’t file their returns or pay their taxes on time, and they can even request relief by going online.

You can get an automatic six-month extension by filing form 4868.  By properly filing this form with the IRS, a taxpayer will avoid the late-filing penalty which is normally five percent per month based on the unpaid balance, that applies to returns filed after the deadline.

Let Las Vegas CPA Michael Mathews help you sort it all out.  There are two questions…what do you want to do now, and what do you plan on doing in the future?  Important tax, business, and investment questions always pop up at this time of year.  Call Michael Mathews at (702) 240-5237 and plan a meeting at his office located at 2620 Regatta Drive Suite 102 in Las Vegas.